Type 1 diabetic's life

Type 1 diabetic's life
Taylor and Jaimie with their pump Amber Beth and Rosaile Izzy.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Dear Diabetes,

Dear diabetes,

We have know each other for 12 years and I still dont like you. I would love to like you but you just make my life hell with all the testing I have to do and when you wake me up in the middle of the night just so I can be high or low. I really dont like the times that u make me feel like crap. But Diabetes we do have our good times like when my numbers are good. And when I wake up with good numbers. Or after I go swiming and my numbers are good.

I guess we do have our good times diabetes but we also have our bad times and our really bad times. But in the end I sometimes do like you. Thats all for now Diabetes.

Jaimie Rose Chaffin

(the one u like with)