Type 1 diabetic's life

Type 1 diabetic's life
Taylor and Jaimie with their pump Amber Beth and Rosaile Izzy.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


So it seem like since I have been able to do everything with diabetes my self...it feels like my family dont have the support that I used to have been I had help with stuff....my parents still dont let me do much of anything if im going to be with out one or both of them.

When I 1st found out about JDRF and walking for a cure and other things. I was 10...Its 6 years later and im trying to get my parents to do a walk next year for JDRF and I also want to go to diabetes camp. But my parents dont like I would like diabetes camp since I dont like making friends that much.

I can make friends it just that in the past I have had some friends that r not that great of friends. So it makes it hard for me to make friends with people.

The only time my mother seens to support is when im high or we go to my endo appt.