Type 1 diabetic's life

Type 1 diabetic's life
Taylor and Jaimie with their pump Amber Beth and Rosaile Izzy.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A 16 year old with a life line.

I'm 16 and have this thing on my hip called a pump that is my life line. Many kids and grown-ups have the same thing. I was 3 1/2 when my parents were told I had type 1 diabetes. Which meant I dont have insulin in my body. I was given 3 shots everyday for 6 years. I than got the pump which is now my life line.

Harmony (pump name) has been in my life for the past 6 years now. Harmony is with me were ever I go. When she brakes I feel lost with out her on my hip all the time. Harmony has meet one other pump in her time with me.

I am and always will be a diabetic. There are times when I go to my parents room cause I cant find my checker. I did that just last night...and it's most of the time stay in my room.

It's going on 4 years since I started taking care of my self. It's hard to get good BG's but some how I do it.

There are time that I am up at 2am to check and think about all my other DOC family. My DOC family means alot to me. They help with anything that you need help with...unless they cant help.

Last night I lost my pump in my bed. The good thing about having the pump with a line is that I can just find the line and run my finger along it intell I find my pump. Most of the time it is under my pliow.

I love my life line Harmony. She better than having to have shot 3 times a day.