Type 1 diabetic's life

Type 1 diabetic's life
Taylor and Jaimie with their pump Amber Beth and Rosaile Izzy.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My teenage life.

Sometimes I wish that I would have been born to a happy family. But I was, I love my family even if I do fight with my brothers once in a while. That just means I love them as much as ever. But when I was 3 1\2, my family was trow apart. I am the youngest of three kids. And a type one diabetic. I was 3 1\2 when I was de'xd with diabetes. I know I was one bad little girl. I hated shots. But I got used to them. Up intell I was 10 than I had to get use to have a neddled poked in me every 3 days. It got to the point were I would put more insulin in my pump so I would not have to change it. But that would intell I could not take my site bring were it was. Than I hit my teenage years. It was bad. I was bad with careing for my diabetes. I would not check most of the time and I would eat when ever i wanted too. And than when I was 13 I end up in the hospital. Its not every day I tell this story.

It was June,26,2009
I was 13, just before my 14th birthday. I was staying with my aunt in Ohio while my parents were in the big truck making money for our famiy. My aunt cuz and I want to town. I wear a under shrit and shorts. Thats all. We were in town at walmart when I was cold. And I felt sick. When we got home I want to sleep in my room were I was staying. I wake up and after about 2 hours my aunt take me too the hospital. They ran test and everything. I endup up have something like the flu. At 2 in the moning we want back to my aunt house with a paper so I could get pills in the moning. I stayed there past my birthday than want home.
But that vsit to the hospital was a wake up call for me I think. I started checking my self more than I was. And I was not running in the 400s all the time. When I want to my endo the next time my A1C was 6.7. I think.

And now I check sometimes at least 10 or more times. I wish I was not a diabetic but its my life and If I have to live with it than I going to take care of my self.

When someone meets me that dont know I am a diabetic they think I am nomal. Which I look nomal. I just have a pump and have to check my self. Not many of my friends can say that. I many be a teen that looks nomal but I will really never be nomal intell we find a cure. I think I speke for all diabetic and their family when I say

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Back to school!

It is hard to belive that on Tuesday I will be starting school. Before there was alot of planing and what not to do. But now that I am homeschool all what I have to warrie about is having my checker and snacks if I need them. And going high the stress from school I can go high.